Obama is worse for press freedom than Nixon says Pentagon Papers lawyer James Goodale.
The next country on the NATO target list is apparently Syria. Pretty soon it will be easier to count the middle east countries that the west hasn’t attacked than the ones they have.
And if Syria weren’t enough to keep the war industry going, Obama is also going to be discussing the fate of Iran on his visit to Israel, where some officials in the U.S protectorate believe Obama has been dragging his feet on attacking Iran. While Obama has clearly been pursuing a strategy to justify a war with Iran nearly identical to the Bush administration’s lead-up to the Iraq invasion, it has not yet culminated in an actual war as powerful Israeli political powers have wanted.
Mainstream press outlet, UPI, reports that : The Iraq War killed 190,000 people, 70 percent civilians and 4,488 U.S. service members and will cost the U.S. taxpayer $2.2 trillion, U.S. researchers say. But, a respectable 2006 study claimed death toll of 650,000 and there have been many more since then. And this article says the dollar cost could total $6T.
Maryland Senate votes to decriminalize small amounts of pot and the House is also expected to pass it. The federal government, corrupt as ever, remains under the control of the beneficiaries of the drug war.
Fifteen benefits of the drug war. Not for you. For the government.
Transportation Security Administration inspectors forced a wounded [active duty] Marine who lost both of his legs in an IED blast and who was in a wheelchair to remove his prosthetic legs at one point, and at another point to stand painfully on his legs while his wheelchair was examined, according to a complaint a congressman has registered with the TSA. Nice work, TSA.
Know your rights at increasingly common U.S. police state checkpoints.
Tell your dog, Rover, to start saving more for his health care. Obama care is expected to hit veterinarians by forcing them to pay an excise tax on any equipment that can also be used for human care.