A playground for discussing news from a libertarian perspective.
Afternoon Links
Fifth Circuit rules that Benedictine monks can make and sell low cost caskets in Louisiana referring to the regulation as “nonsensical”. Up to now, state law forbade anyone except state license funeral homes from selling caskets. You know, to protect the people. Such a law would instantly be recognized as sleazy political corruption by anywhere except in “the land of the free”.
No charges will be filed against a New Jersey man who posted a picture on Facebook of his son holding “what appeared to be a military-style rifle”. From what I’ve heard through various news sources, it’s pretty obvious the cops, acting on an anonymous tip called into a child abuse hotline, used intimidation tactics to try and get permission to search the house and record the serial numbers of his weapons. Well, you know, anything to protect the children…
Kill Anything that Moves is the name of a new book about Vietnam that I just added to my Amazon wish list. The reason you have to read numerous books about war is no other governmental activity generates so much official and mainstream media bullshit. We will never hear the story of what the U.S. really did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Egypt, Mali, or Syria until everyone who played a role in it is dead. By then most of us will also be dead.
The “Rise of the naked female warriors“. I wish two things. First that they had a position I believed in and second that they weren’t always protesting in places so far from where I live. They clearly favor using nudity and sex as a means to get attention. But, they oppose women using nudity and sex to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. The same story in U.S. media outlets would, of course, be edited to satisfy those who vociferously claim to be offended by nudity in order to make sure no one else can see it.
Obama declares that the oxymoron, Mideast Peace, is not an oxymoron just as every U.S. president since WWII has done. Peace will remain perpetually unlikely as long as neither the Palestinian nor Israeli (or U.S.) governments would benefit from it. Obama supports a two-state solution which is exactly one state beyond what the Israeli government is willing to agree to.